Welcome to Spring Semester 2014 Individual Voice Class and Vocal and Respiratory Anatomy Class.

This Blog has been created for YOU! I will post something new every Monday and, if you are an Individual Voice student, you are required to leave a comment every week that includes your thoughts and observations relative to your voice lesson that week. Please include any practice or rehearsal experiences you have had, any discoveries, still working hard on something specific? Did you listen to any new or new to you, singers this week? Is there a song you want to learn – why?

Also, please leave your questions!! What do you need help with as you practice? Anything having to do with your voice is appropriate for this blog!

If you are a VOCAL AND RESPIRATORY ANATOMY student – same drill! You must comment on the Weekly Blog and also leave your thoughts and insights as you read about the anatomy and physiology of your vocal mechanism and the miracle of respiration.

I look forward to chatting with every single student via the Weekly Blog! Look for the first Weekly Blog article on Monday, March 3rd!!

Wishing you all beautiful high notes!
